Tuesday, June 22, 2021

lily-rose Blake and Jax's science experiment


I was learning to work collaboratively in a group for the science fair to see what cream makes the best butter we where using anchor cream countdown cream and meadow fresh cream to make the butter.

I learnt that when you are shaking the cream it takes 20 minutes or longer when you have finished
shaking it it's not proper butter it whipped butter and anchor cream makes the best butter.

I enjoyed  shaking the cream to make the butter it was fun because we got to run around outside and we were allowed to visit the other people's tables. we also got to taste test the butter with red and that was very fun the Meadow fresh cream taste sweet and it tasted like whipped cream not like butter.

I found it hard to keep the cream from not spilling out of the container and from not trying to open up the container up. It was difficult to shake the container because owe amise got sour from shaking it for along

next time I need to make more ove my slides have more butter related stuff on them. It was hard to work 
corprtivle with Jax because blake was away for most ove the experiment.


  1. Your science experiment looked really interesting, Lily Rose. I agree that it is very tricky to work with people when they aren't at school. I'm sure you managed with the group members who were left. I love your sentence stems. They really clearly tell me your thinking.

  2. Hi Mrs McVey fanck you for commenting on my blog it was vere hard to who work with the people in my group when one is away have you ever worked in a group when someone was away ?


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